Jesus Know My Heart Lyrics 耶稣知我心的歌词

Jesus know my heart

Jesus Know My Heart 耶稣知我心 is a Hokkien worship song. Both the music and lyrics were written by Pastor Zhang Han Lin 张汉林 in 1998.

I remember there was a famous Singapore singer by the same name. He won a prestigious local singing competition and was very well-known in the local music scene.

To my pleasant surprise, they are the same person. According to an interview, Zhang decided to become a full-time gospel singer at the age of 21 when his career was at its peak. If you can understand Chinese, read his interview here.

耶稣知我心的歌词 Jesus Know My Heart Lyrics

Words & music: 张汉林 Copyright 1998 Singpetra Mission

安慰我 给我生命
赐我平安 赐我喜乐
他会明白 他都了解

摇啊摇啊 风雨吹不倒
牵我疼我 永远会照顾
他是我的信心 是我的帮助
坚强我的心灵 耶稣真正好

English Translation

I am not a good translator, this is a crude and literal translation of the Hokkien lyrics. Hope it helps.

Jesus know my heart
He comforts me and give me life
He bless me with peace and joy
To weather through the storms of life
He understand, He comprehend
He wipe away my fears and makes me strong

Strong wind and rain cannot topple me
He leads me, love me, and take care of me forever
He is my faith and my helper
Strengthen my heart and soul 
Jesus is indeed good

I am always happy that people try to modernize Hokkien songs. Here’s an attempt.

We have come to the end of this post. I hope you have found what you are seeking. If not, keep looking. For Jesus said,

“I tell you, keep asking, and it will be given you. Keep seeking, and you will find. Keep knocking, and it will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened.

Luke 11:9-10 WEB

For God so loved you, He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for you. You are precious to Him.

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